Ariel Lanyi, piano

"...Lanyi is no showman. He shines with technical perfection, a subtle exploration of the works' subtext, and always has the proverbial draw to the goal. But - as Buchbinder rightly emphasizes - without any hint of vanity or self-promotion. Here rises a new star in the musical sky."

Peter Jarolin / Kurier / June 2023


Brahms - Academic Festival Overture

Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No.4

Prokofiev - Symphony No.5

Brahms’s popular Academic Festival Overture gets our season off to a cracking start. The fine Israeli pianist, Ariel Lanyi, returns with Rachmaninov’s 4th Piano Concerto. Originally written in 1926, Rachmaninov revised it continually until a final version emerged in 1941, with a dazzling finale full of energy and power. Prokofiev’s 5th Symphony, premiered in 1945, is one of his most popular works. Large-scale and brilliant, Prokofiev described it as "a hymn to free and happy Man, to his mighty powers, his pure and noble spirit."